For the next few days, I will be sharing with you four ways you can style your suits and sneakers. Does the mention of men’s suits and sneakers in the same sentence sound odd to you? Well, that’s the myth I will be busting for the next few days, starting today with the first rule of creating a killer combination with your favorite sneakers and shoes.
I got the idea from the WMCFW (World MasterCard Fashion Week), which happened two weeks ago here in our very own city, Toronto. So to stay updated with the looks of the season I decided to experiment with the road less taken. However, mixing sneakers and suits is not new to me as my personal style always reflects a mix of streetwear and classic menswear. So it was vital for me to retain two elements from each, which were sneakers and suits this time.
The suit of choice for all my five looks is Strellson, and most of my looks are inspired from their Fall collection. Today I decided to dress up as a Pitcher, with the MLB World Series now concluded. I am sporting a Strellson, Puma BKRW Sneakers, Cooper Baseball Gloves and 47 Brand Baseball Cap.
Now, some people believe that baseball caps and suits are a mismatch, but I feel it’s an aesthetic way of bringing the two contrasting components together.
Mr. Burke