Just Wing It
I am not sure how many of you guys have worn, or even heard of, Red Wing boots. My first encounter with the boots came when I was on a trip to the UK. They are amazing! The mostly leather work boot style is sure to last a lifetime. The boots are just hardcore! What really grabbed my attention initially was the leaf pattern in the pair I picked up. My Red Wings is going to be in my collection a long time!
Now let’s build on that, starting with the boots. Work boots complement a khaki pant like no other, so I’m going for a pair from United Stock Dry Goods; they’re classic, understated and durable. For this featured denim shirt (A classic favorite of mine).
Brooklyn Tailors have a great collection of men’s shirts, and this denim shirt goes with khaki like syrup on pancakes; you can never go wrong with this pairing. The pairings are near perfect as is, but let’s go a step further and add some pizzazz to the outfit. You definitely need a jacket, and a bit of layering is all you need to give this a polished look. I’m going in for the Brooklyn Tailor’s Jacket. Bright red against the subdued base layers. Perfect.
Mr. Burke