Books Burke Backs
I’ve been an entrepreneur for ten years.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes during this time, but I’ve also had a lot of wins.
I credit my capacity to learn the math associated with running a business, as well as my accountant for helping me stay focused and recover from some financial setbacks.
In the early phase of running snkrbox, I was mostly focused on topline. I went about each day focused on driving sales, regardless of if there were profitable. This approach bit me in the ass big time!
What I’ve learned since then is to be disciplined, patient, and courageous. I’ve learned to be disciplined enough to stay the course while being laser-focused on the long-term goal. I’ve also become patient enough that I continue to learn from past mistakes and understand that business success naturally takes time. Finally, I’m courageous enough to wake up every morning willing to take greater risks than yesterday, all with a genuine smile on my face.
In the book “It’s Not Rocket Science,” Tom Bradley, writes that discipline, patience and courage are the Three Keys To Success when it comes to investing. Whether you are investing in yourself or investing for retirement, I believe these principles provide a strong foundation for entrepreneurs and investors. As I reflect on the past few decades, I’m beginning to understand the investments my parents made and how their approach shaped the strength of their brand.