No NBA player has tested positive since July 13th
Out of the 346 players inside the NBA bubble, none have tested positive for COVID-19 since July 13th.
This comes from an announcement by the league and the players association on Monday.
There are 22 NBA teams inside the NBA’s bubble in Orlando Florida.
This is a positive piece of information as the NBA heads into scrimmages before the seeding round.
The seeding round begins on July 30th which features a double header with the Utah Jazz taking on the New Orleans Pelicans.
Followed by the battle of L.A. when the Los Angelas Lakers take on the Los Angelas Clippers.
We are just nine days away from having NBA basketball back and what could be more exciting than that.
Scrimmages Complete
The NBA has officially finished its pre restart scrimmages.
Over 20 NBA games have been played in the last week, with no COIVD-19 outbreak to report.
Players have been tested daily and anyone who left the bubble has had to isolate.
The NBA’s plan is working and with things running smoothly the season is set to restart.
Teams will now finish the final eight games of the regular season to determine the final seeding before the playoffs.
The league has taken the pandemic concerns very seriously and it has shown.
We are just days away from the official NBA restart and what could possibly be better than a return to some sort of normality, especially after the year 2020 has been.