Toronto Rallies in support for justice and racial equality
2020 has been a difficult year thus far.
A world wide pandemic has changed the world as we know it.
While COVID-19 has made immediate change to everything we do there are still issues that need to be addressed.
Issues that have been sitting on the back burner of society for quite some time.
The recent murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis is a prime example of these issues and that change must happen.
Racial inequality and systemic racism are not new issues.
It has been a long and gruesome struggle for many years. Many have lost their lives in this fight.
But it is a fight worth having.
And it is a fight that must happen.
Toronto shows support

The United States has seen mass protests in the days since the death of George Floyd, and in light of these events, the city of Toronto has followed suit.
Thousands took to the streets to protest and show support.
The Sports World Responds
Since the death of George Floyd; Sports leagues, athletes, and general managers have responded.
Looking to use their platforms to push the movement forward.
Raptors president Masai Uijiri published an opinion piece in the globe and mail saying “we must raise our voices, the conversation cannot be avoided anymore.”
Others within the Raptors organization have voiced their concerns as well.
Former Raptors head coach Dwayne Casey shared a powerful story and his fears that his son who is eight years old will go through similar experiences to his own.
The Toronto Maple Leafs Auston Matthews also spoke out on the recent events.
Written by: Ryan Brockerville